London Writers' Salon

#114: David Whyte - Reads poems: A Seeming Stillness, A Song for the Salmon and Start Close In. Plus Writing Rituals, Fallow Periods and Frontiers

Episode Summary

A curation of our favourite questions and poems from our interview with poet David Whyte (Ep #32)

Episode Notes

A curation of our favourite questions and poems from our interview with poet David Whyte. We ask him: What we can do when we can’t access our writing? How do we live through fallow periods of writing and what rituals he uses for writing. He shares the poems: A Seeming Stillness, A Song for the Salmon and Start Close In.



David Whyte is an internationally renowned poet, author, and speaker. His books include The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America, Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words, and The Bell and the Blackbird. His latest collections are David Whyte: Essentials and Still Possible.