London Writers' Salon

#091: Suzie Sheehy — Writing Popular Science, Making Complex Subjects Accessible, Narrative Nonfiction, The Reality Of Getting Published, Twelve Experiments That Changed Our World

Episode Summary

Accelerator Physicist and author Dr. Suzie Sheehy (THE MATTER OF EVERYTHING: TWELVE EXPERIMENTS THAT CHANGED OUR WORLD) on simple storytelling techniques to make science and other complex subjects engaging.

Episode Notes

Accelerator Physicist and author Dr. Suzie Sheehy (The Matter OF Everything: Twelve Experiments That Changed Our World) on simple storytelling techniques to make science and other complex subjects engaging. Plus, Suzie's early impressions as a first-time author, her process for writing and researching The Matter of Everything, and overcoming her 'valley of death' moment with the book to complete it. 



Suzie Sheehy is an accelerator physicist and academic who divides her time between her research groups at the University of Oxford and the University of Melbourne. She is currently focused on developing new particle accelerators for applications in medicine. An award-winning public speaker, presenter and science communicator, Suzie is dedicated to sharing science beyond the academic community. Her 2018 TED talk has been viewed over 1.8M times, and she has been an expert TV presenter for several Discovery Channel shows, including four seasons of Impossible Engineering.  'The Matter of Everything' is her first book.